Nensi Radulovic, prof.
Expert of European Union policy
Foreign and Internal International Policies Relations
10th veljača 2016
Where are calls for proposals in EU? Post on request :-)

Often question about EU funds is where are all calls published, whre are visible and how to submit project? The next sentence is always: say something in few sentences, during the coffee?! Ok then, if you are at the begining of a long road.

Nice welcome quotes for you: Here are no suprise! All you have to know is published! But there are rule and rules, the project idea have to satisfy all the criteria. 1st extra excellent recommendation which no one like is to investiagte all similar closed calls for proposals. Find programm and theme, find rules for participants, be sure all ypur answer on question is YES! For ex. if the rule require 3 legal entites, the answer have to be name of 3 entites (at least) with proof of legality, then go step by step across all questions, from 1st to last (read all comments too). Use Quide obligatory! Explore all backgrounds of your posiible project idea in local, regional, national and european strategies (refer on it with details ex. no Article and smilar), refer to web address. Make few copies of ypur project proposals, do not wait for the last day or two till closing submitting, server may have some problems accoring to many downloading matherials in the same time.

If you are not sure in yourself, engage some expert for european policy with references.

So, let us see ex of today calls, H 2020:

left side: programming period 2014-2010 is budget period, behind are themes and topics, identify your interest: inovation, researching, helath, justic, agriculture…find calls, WP, Quide, PPT.

Look at some ideas, some ppt:

Be perseverind, and do not miss your project idea in documents, enjoy in EU transarency (beu have on mind your project have to be fulfilled Transparency rules, too) :-)

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